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Fifth Grade Human Growth & Development

Fifth Grade Human Growth and Development Class is scheduled for Friday, February 16.Fifth grade students at Parkway will participate in the Human Growth and Development class on Friday, February 16. Shellie Hansen (school RN) and Jennifer Mickelsen (PE teacher) will provide instruction to the girls. The boys will be taught by Jeremy Vasquez (principal) and Greg Hewitt (PE teacher). The lesson lasts about 45 minutes. 

We invite you to preview the Human Growth and Development curriculum and materials below. The girls and boys are taught separately, using the "Girls Only" and "Boys Only" versions of the Proctor & Gamble Always Changing videos.

Later this spring, fifth grade students will also view a 15-minute educational HIV/AIDS video. The school board-approved KNOW Curriculum and video (“HIV and Me: Marissa’s Story”) is used to instruct students in HIV/AIDS. 

We encourage you to mark this date on your calendar and talk with your student when they come home from school about any additional questions they may have after participating in the class. Students will be given a question card to prompt conversation and sent home with hygiene product sample(s).

Parents/guardians have the right to opt their child out of these presentations by contacting the office or completing the "Opt Out" form below. If you have any questions, please call the Parkway Intermediate Office at (509) 754-9729. 


Human Growth & Development Teaching Materials

KNOW Lesson 2, Activity 2, Lesson D & E - Grade 5 Refusal Skills
Consent & Sexual Abuse FLASH Lesson 7 (modified)
Video: Always Changing Puberty Education Video - Girls
Video: Always Changing Puberty Education Video - Boys
Video: HIV and Me: Marissa's Story


Opt Out Of Human Growth & Development Education

Parents/Guardians that wish to Opt Out of Personal Growth & Development Education, please click on the button below.

Opt out of Human Growth & Development Education